I don't see any mention of dairy products. Please tell this 'Sconnie girl that milk and cheese make the list?

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Grass-fed only, preferably unpasteurized, and then go for it. Lots of great stuff in there. Certain people have lactose allergies. I need to update the article and add dairy products and info on them, but for some reason I just didn't. Not all people will find themselves able to eat dairy so I don't recommend to all.

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Thanks Dr. C. Yes, we only eat unpasteurised, also unpasteurised cheese and yoghurt. I have tried Ghee but the sour taste dominates the Food. Don't really like it that much.

I have been pondering these subjects lately. Such a coincidence that you wrote these articles at the exact time that I was looking into this, I was reading it all in Deuteronomy, but Leviticus is even better. I often wonder about Wine too. We only eat Bio and only Red Wine agrees with me, but these days I cannot drink more than 2 glasses a week. Obviously the (Ancient)Grapes were more healthy as the Prophets and others in the Bible times seemed to enjoy wine much more.

The Vegetable thing is difficult for me. Soft greens, I can understand, but when I eat the cabbage types, I feel really Good and Clean (Kale, Cauliflower, Broccoli). Maybe they removed this info from the eliminated (hidden) books of the Bible?

Bread doesn't agree with me except for Sourdough, but the Manna from God (for the Israelites in the Wilderness) is confusing. Also Jesus breaking the bread with His disciples.

Again maybe because the (ancient)wheat was different (no gluten?)

I watched Dr. Lorraine Day a month ago who healed her cancer by eating according to God's Word. (don't know if she's legit, but these days I can decipher the Truth out of agents :)).- Her adamant standpoint on the Nephilim Not Being from Fallen Angels is Not what I think.-

Anyway, she sparked my interest in God's Diet Plan. I'm always more focussed on the New Testament, but there are many treasures in the Old Testament.

So many questions I have and I Love your work. Love how you connect everything you say to the Bible. If you have more Bible verses about God's Food Plan, I'm really interested. These days I start my day in God's Word. So Peaceful. The Most Beautiful and up to date Book we could read. It's like reading about News events of our Present Day!

Thanks for the Good info!

Sending Blessings and Love,


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Sounds to be like you may have several issues going on and your liver, small intestine, and gut flora are having issues. Please contact me in an email and I will be happy to assist you.

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Is it possible that we are also to eat flowers? As a flower does become the fruit?

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Dr. C,

Recommended for managing estrogen for a COMT +/+ (Met Met) person such as me.

beets, carrots - ok because they are roots (?)




bitters (dandelion greens and radishes) - I'm guessing only radishes. Can you recommend a list of bitter foods that fit your restrictions?

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Beautiful workproduct and Great Truth Dr. C . Please keep the information and blessings coming our way, this information is changing and saving lives.

The only thing I see at odds with the Bible is the avoidance of grains such as wheat, barly and corn which are prominent in the Feast day harvests and a part of the biblical diet including leavened and Unleavened breads.

Most assuredly, more than anything is a balanced protein/ carbohydrate/ fats and smaller meals with fewer uncooked plants as you have stated.

Cooking plants does break down the difficult to digest fibers which can release many of those beneficial nutrients that manage not to be lost in the cooking processes.

So maybe baking and stir frying vegetables is better than boiling.

The big thing is avoiding the highly processed foods and dangerous additives.

Most grains should be milled as needed and it was bad to take a person's mill as collateral in the Bible.

Deuteronomy 24:6

[6] No one shall take a mill or an upper millstone in pledge, for that would be taking a life in pledge. (ESV)

commentary extracted from a recent yeshiva of friends.

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I appreciate the Biblical references and understand that perspective.

The problems are:

1) those have all been genetically modified to include significantly higher gluten and gliadin content, as well as soaked in glyphosate, atrazine, and Round-Up (pesticides/insecticides). You will be hard pressed to find these food items not genetically modified and their higher gluten/gliadin content is oxidative and stressful to the GI tract --even for those without Celiac's.

The pesticides/insecticides are known carcinogens.

2) Ranchers feed grains/corn to cows before slaughter. Why? Because it fattens them up and increases intramuscular fat content, and raises the levels of Omega 6 fatty acids above Omega 3 fatty acids creating a discrepancy thus altering physiology--most of which Americans today already have in abundance and is considered a disease process. Most of this is because the seasons don't allow for grass to be eaten year round. Some ranchers will switch to alfalfa which is still good, or hay. But many will just cut their cost and feed them corn/grain because it's cheap, creates lower overhead, increases profit, and allows them to buy things prepackaged making it easier on them to raise.

People suffer significant disease processes from this and I can't recommend them therefore I do not include grains and corn as part of a "healthy" diet.

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I thought that wheat was actually a fruit. Have you listed out all the foods you do/do not recommend? I will be looking for that.

The AIP Paleo diet which is an elimination diet does not allow for grains, nuts or seeds at all for those of us who are auto-immune, but, allows for adding back foods one at a time, with intention and caution. Paleo already restricts all grains and legumes as being from modern agriculture, but this is not a Biblical view. Those with thyroid problems are advised by many practitioners to avoid gluten entirely.

1. Is wheat a fruit, and if we believe we have a very clean source, could we consider grains a fruit?

2. Buckwheat is a fruit? But, it is high in oxalate and I won't eat it any more due to a strong belief that I have had oxalate poisoning. See Sally Norton Toxic Superfoods.

3. White Rice - is this a fruit?

4. Are any of the other grains actually fruits? If so, could we eat those if we have a very clean source?

5. I will be looking for your list of all the foods we CAN eat on your protocol, since that is the most helpful. When those of us who have restricted entire categories of foods for years at a time, it is precious to have suggestions on AS MANY and maximized number of foods that are allowable. I have considered carnivore to recover health--The Lion Diet--but, I enter with caution because I have learned the hard way about doing anything extreme.

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Organic Einkorn would be something to consider. It is the ancient, un-hybridized parent grain from which comes spelt and kamut I believe. It is currently grown in Italy by Jovial and in Oregon by Azure Standard. It makes awesome tasting sourdough products and is very low in gluten content. Many who are gluten-intolerant can eat breads and pastas made from this biblical grain without negative affects. It is high in protein and very digestible. It has not undergone the hybridization of our modern wheat, grows very tall, is not desicated with glyphosate, and is thus more difficult to grow and harvest organically. Before 2020 it was about $3/lb, now it costs about $4/lb.

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Dr. C, I had gastric bypass surgery several years ago as well as a complete hysterectomy. Now those choices are coming back to haunt my body. I’m on BHRT so working on that part but I guess my question is this, is there anything different or specific for people like me who don’t absorb nutrients from food because of bypass surgery? I’ve started changing my diet regardless but I am extremely low in so many vitamins & minerals etc. that I find I need to supplement with liquid forms in order to absorb well. Just wondering if I’m on the right track here?


Love your newsletters & look forward to reading more! Blessings!

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Bypass surgery is tough because you have altered your ability to absorb nutrients. The best thing for you to do, is to take the foods and nutrients in the smallest and simplest forms possible, juiced, and in frequent intervals in small amounts. This will allow you to increase the amount you absorb as much as possible. I would also contact me in an email so that we can address your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Thank You

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Dr. C , our niece, 9 years old has a condition known as Dyshormonogenic a form of hypothyroidism. She's in good health and on prescribed medication, Levothyroxine Sodium. That being said, she's currently in the 4% range of growth and development for a person of her age. Your thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


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Daryl, the pituitary can be involved (master reset), she could have too much bromine in the system (blocking iodine from the thyroid), and she could be iodine deficient. All of those can cause the condition your niece suffers from.

If she also is suffering from growth retardation it could be more likely that she has her pituitary involved due to aberrant CSF flow. I would also like to make sure she has adequate ability absorb nutrients, a functioning liver, and functioning pancreas--digestive enzymes and pH of the intestinal tract are important things. All of which can be address by doctors who are aware of these processes.

I'd be happy to help you if you want to email me from the post regarding how to contact someone who can do this treatment!

Thank you

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Dr. C thank you so much for responding to our inquiry. Yes, that would be wonderful. I will gather the information as to who to contact. They ( my daughter and son in law) are currently talking about the pituitary as a possiblity. Your explanation makes perfect sense and is extremely helpful.

I'll diffinitely contact you soon. Sincerely Daryl C.

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Hi- sorry to butt in… We have celiac disease in our family, and it’s known to stunt growth. I’m sure your niece has been tested for many things, including this, but I thought I’d mention it in case ❤️

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Yes, Celiac's and other IBD conditions, can lead to stunted growth as they create malabsorption issues. We can help you rebuild the gut lining and correct the tight gap junctions to prevent leaky gut and increase nutrient absorption. Worth checking out if you are interested!

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Truly, thank you for reaching out to us. Knowledge / experience is power. I will definitely share this our daughter's little girl. Thank you again!

Eagle of Idaho TS.

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I know kale, greens etc require a lot of effort with little nutrient return, but you said NOT to eat them. I make juice several times a week with greens, cucumber, celery & fruit. Not ok?

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To juice them is ok. It is the extremely high cellulose content that makes them inedible.

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This is a big deal! I was just on the verge of figuring out how to get more folate. Therefore I was thinking of adding back greens. I do not eat high oxalate greens, and I have avoided leaves for a couple of years (hence, one reason why your approach is not offputting to me, as it coincides with other approaches from which I have learned.) But, JUICING leaves for folate seems like a MAJOR difference from "don't eat any leaves." I will be trying to learn from your materials; I just subscribed today. I understand that FREEZING destroys folate, so eating liver which was frozen might not even be enough.

1. Does freezing destroy folate?

2. Do you eschew liver of proper animals?

3. Do you recommend liver consumption regularly? Any other organ meats?

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Thank you. Sorry for my late reply

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Wow Dr. C....Once again, you do Not disappoint! 2 Fantastic Articles. I will read them again and again and keep updated on your eating Protocols according to God's Law!

In your Shortlist of Healthy fats, you did not mention grass-Fed organic Butter. Interested to know your take on that. This information and your easy-to-absorb Layout is so Vital to get people Healthy again! Thanks so much for your fantastic newsletters!

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Grass-fed only, preferably unpasteurized, and then go for it. Lots of great stuff in there. Certain people have lactose allergies. I need to update the article and add dairy products and info on them, but for some reason I just didn't. Not all people will find themselves able to eat dairy so I don't recommend to all. Ghee from grassfed is also ok!

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Why is stevia bad? I have seeds to grow it here unrefined, is that still unacceptable? Thanks for the two new articles!

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Stevia, and other non carbohydrate sweeteners, give the body the impression that carbohydrates are being ingested and insulin should start to be secreted-- this causes more problems than good. For sweetening things, you're better off just using real sugar than anything like stevia or other artificial sweeteners. Moderation is the ticket.

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Good to know about Stevia. I don’t like it anyway. So many people consume artificial sweeteners 😳

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