For the purpose of this article, every time the word ‘iodine’ is used it is in reference to the elemental form I2 in its oxidation state, and ‘iodide’ is used in reference to Iodine salts (iodine atom bound to a different atom(s)). The most common iodine salt (iodide) is potassium iodide KI. For the purpose of this specific protocol I will ONLY suggest you use ‘Iosol Formula II’ which contains Iodine (I2) and Ammonium Iodide (NH4I), NOT Potassium Iodide, Lugol’s or Iodoral, or any other form of Iodine/Iodide, despite those forms/brands being referenced/used on other sites in their protocols, to avoid drug interactions and electrolyte imbalances.
Doctors have been using iodine for 200 years to treat a number of illnesses. Iodine contains potent antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, anti-candida, antiviral, and anticancer properties.
It has been known for over 100 years that iodine is an element that is necessary for thyroid hormone production. It is also used by the breasts, ovaries, prostate, and ALL other glands. Every cell, tissue, organ, and organ system in the body uses iodine.
In 1948, there was a study (Wolff-Chaikoff) that erroneously (intentionally?) concluded that too much iodine was harmful to the thyroid. Reality was actually 180 degrees in the opposite.
The Western “Science” and “Healthcare”’s WAR on the most sacred ESSENTIAL mineral we need:
“Shortly after the Axis Powers capitulated and World War II came to an end, UC Berkeley dropped a bombshell in 1948, which became known as the Wolff-Chaikoff (W-C) effect. Where the swords of many nations failed, the pen of two men succeeded. The pen is mightier than the sword indeed. The most effective way to destroy a nation is to remove iodine from the food supply. The W-C effect resulted in the removal of iodine from the food supply and most likely caused more misery and death in the US than both world wars combined due to its negative impact on iodine consumption by the US population and on the use of inorganic, non-radioactive iodine in medical practice. “If you can’t beat them, join them, and destroy them from within.” The W-C effect is supposedly the inhibitory effect of peripheral inorganic iodide (PII) levels equal to or greater than 0.2 mg/L (10-6M) on the organification of iodide by the thyroid gland of rats, resulting supposedly in hypothyroidism and goiter.
US physicians swallowed the W-C forgery uncritically, which resulted in a moratorium on the clinical use of inorganic, non-radioactive iodine in effective amounts. However, this moratorium did not include toxic organic iodine-containing drugs and radioiodine-131. The iodophobic mentality prevented further research on the essential nutritional requirement for inorganic, non-radioactive iodine by the entire human body, which turns out to be 100-400 times daily the very recently established RDA. Prior to World War II and the W-C publication, US physicians used molecular iodine solution safely, effectively and extensively in both hypo and hyperthyroidism.”
Here is the actual Wolff-Chaikoff study performed out of the University of California Berkeley Medical School:
Right on the first page: “Long-Evans rats weighing 175 to 225 gm, were used throughout. They were injected intraperitoneally with various amounts of iodine in the form of KI (potassium iodide) labeled with I-131”
I-131 is otherwise known as radioactive Iodine - which just so happens to have been also “discovered” by the University of California Berkeley Medical School:
They go on further to state: “In no case was the dose of radioactivity great enough to produce deleterious effects on the gland during the intervals studied. Blood was removed from the heart while the rats were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (20 mg. per rat).”
Can someone point out to me what the “safe” amount of radioactive material is inside the body?
If the thyroid has an affinity for iodine, seeing as T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine/tetraiodothyronine) are made in the thyroid ONLY in the presence of Iodine, and that the thyroid has the potential to store and concentrate iodine in the thyroid, what would putting radioactive iodine into the body do to the thyroid? Cause it damage?
(Good thing we also use radioactive iodine for all our advanced imaging and PET scans to detect cancer, eh?)
Further, your body has an astounding ability to dictate how much of any nutrient it needs and regulates it through homeostatic negative-feedback loops. This works to have precision control over the physiological production of hormones and essential nutrient mineral levels in the body/serum/blood/tissues–it’s written on your DNA–without even thinking about it.
Nevertheless, they also completely misrepresented their study and the findings, suggesting that only very small amounts (micrograms) of iodine were necessary and that taking in more would have a deleterious effect on the thyroid/thyroid hormone production. Thus the W-C effect was extrapolated to humans and subsequently the medical, food, pharmaceutical industries went on to completely remove iodine from the treatment/diet/food/therapy outside of the miniscule form of iodized salt which wasn’t even enough to run the nasal defense mucosal system yet alone be sufficient to every other cell in the body that requires it.
As a tragic result, iodine was removed from many products starting in the 1970’s. (Dairy, flour, baked goods, bread and others) Iodine was left in salt in amounts just enough to help prevent goiter and cretinism. Iodized salt has been now shown to be wholly inadequate for nutritionally supplying what the human body needs.
The government set an RDA of 150 micrograms (mcg). This was determined to prevent goiter and cretinism. And yet, at least 100x that amount is needed to gain any anti-cancer properties. (15 mg daily). This has led to an explosion in breast and prostate cancers since then (where was it before?). The average Japanese citizen consumes over 13 mg per day. Japanese citizens have the lowest rates of glandular cancers (adenocarcinomas) in the world. This is due to their diet of seaweed, kelp, and shellfish which are all high in iodine. Westerners, in contrast, do not eat anywhere near the amounts of these seafoods the Japanese do. Finally, to prove this point, Japanese who immigrated to the US were studied and found to have similar glandular cancer rates to all other US Citizens.
This proves it’s not genetics.
It’s Iodine, an essential (absolutely necessary) nutrient to human vitality and function.
Don’t believe that statement? Go look at your non-iodized salt in your pantry. It says it right on the container as a disclaimer and a warning: “this product does not contain iodine, a necessary essential nutrient.”
Iodine is an Essential SUPER Mineral (absolutely necessary)
Functions of Iodine:
The primary use of iodine in the human body is the thyroid gland, where it uses iodine to make T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine/tetraiodothyronine).
These hormones, both directly and through their impact on other hormonal systems within the body, affect every cell and organ in the body to control metabolic rate, heart rate, body temperature, brain development, muscle contraction, and skin and bone maintenance.
Iodine is also essential to the function of, protection of, and accumulated in:
Ovaries-regulating estrogen/progesterone function
Prostate-regulate the function of health of prostate and seminal fluid production
Mammary glands-required for function and production of breast milk, as well as health of breast cells/tissue
Endometrium-maintaining function and health of endometrium
Uterus-maintaining healthy pregnancy and hormone production through uterus
Testicles-testosterone production and sperm health
Cerebrospinal fluid-immune function and protection of CNS
Central nervous system-regulation of myelin sheaths, neurotransmitter (dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine) production/balance/regulation, immune function of the CNS, cognitive ability, memory (short and long term), and neuroplasticity (nerve growth)
Pituitary gland-regulation of neuroendocrine (hormone) system
Eyes-macula and retina health
Salivary glands-oral mucosa and teeth/gum health, and prevention of disease and infectious processes
Liver-liver function, detoxification, and protection from viral/fungal/parasitic/bacterial infections
Entire GI tract-GI function, and protection from viral/fungal/parasitic/bacterial infections
Sweat glands/Skin- health of skin cells, and protective barrier to UV radiation, melanocyte function, and prevention of pathogenic infectious processes of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses
Immune System- helps with WBC/RBC production, T-cell function, and P53 apoptosis that prevents damaged DNA cells/dysfunctional cells from replicating (ie cancer and all viruses)
Reproduction: essential during pregnancy for the natural growth and development of an embryo/fetus/baby
Antiseptic: THE strongest antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antitumoral properties on the planet
Unfortunately, other than the thyroid, a proper scientific study to determine the correct amount of iodine for all the body has not been determined (because the “powers that be” over health and research are not interested in cheaper/unpatentable treatments/therapies).
However, numerous studies on various cancers and other illnesses have shown that iodine deficiency is directly correlated. It is for these health benefits that the iodine supplementation protocol is presented here, however it should be just one part of an overall, individualistic, holistic health plan.
Iodine is REQUIRED for running P53/P21/P16 pathways.
P53 activation in response to DNA damage leads to cell growth arrest, allowing for DNA repair, or directs cellular senescence or apoptosis (programmed cell death), thereby maintaining genome/DNA integrity. Senescence is a permanent cell-cycle arrest that has a crucial role in aging, and it also represents a robust physiological antitumor response, which counteracts tumor causing insults. This process is seen in how the body deals with:
Neurodegenerative Disease
Adaptive “Autoimmune” conditions
Metabolic disorders
COPD/Lung disease
Viral infections
Oxidative Damage
Tissue regeneration
Effects of Iodine Deficiency correlate directly to:
Increased glandular cancer rates
Increased adaptive “autoimmune” rates
Mental brain fog
Lowered metabolism
GI disease
Liver Disease
Heavy metal/Halogen toxicity
Spontaneous abortions
Maldevelopment of fetal brains
Birth of cretins
Low IQ
Mental retardation
Delayed motor development
Brain damage
Stunted growth
Muscular disorders
Speech and hearing defects
High Perinatal mortality
High Infant mortality
Chronic fatigue
Thinning and hair loss
Mood disorders
Hashimoto’s/Grave’s disease
Physical weakness
Heart Palpitations
Heart Disease
Enlarged Heart
Heart Failure
Ovarian cysts and/or polycystic ovarian syndrome
Prostatitis, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Fibrocystic breast disease
Problems breastfeeding
Endometrial cysts
Uterine fibroids
Uterine cysts
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Testicular atrophy
Hormone imbalances/alterations
Neurodegenerative diseases
Neurotransmitter imbalances
Motor dysfunctions
Neuroendocrine dysfunction
Macular degeneration and Retinopathies
Teeth and gum disease, oral infectious processes, oral mucosa degeneration
Impaired liver function, hepatitis, liver infections
GI dysfunction, Dysbiosis, GI disease, Biofilms
Chronic skin diseases, folliculitis, chronic skin infections of any kind
Chronic viral infectious (latent or active)
Decreased immune function, decreased T-cell function, inadequate P53/P21/P16 and cellular apoptosis
Cancer, especially brain, stomach, intestinal, reproductive organ, blood, thyroid, and liver
There is a thing called a “Hot Nodule” on a person’s thyroid. It’s very rare, but it’s like a piece of the thyroid that acts independently of the entire thyroid. It’s totally unregulated by any of the normal checks and balances the body puts on the thyroid. Introducing iodine to a person with a hot nodule can cause major side effects if not done slowly and appropriately. The only real way to diagnose a hot nodule is with medical imaging.
Commercially Available Forms of Iodine
Sodium Iodide (NaI) Iodized Salt
Lugol’s Potassium Iodide (KI)
Iodoral (pill) Potassium Iodide (KI)
Nascent Iodine Elemental (I-) (elemental iodine)
1 atom of Iodine
Iosol Formula II Iodine + Ammonium Iodide (molecular iodine) (I2 + NH4-I)
2 atoms of iodine, and 1 atom of free iodine after ingestion
The absorption of iodine/iodide is mostly in the small intestine and not the stomach.
Sodium/and or potassium iodine
Most iodine products on the market today are either sodium and/or potassium iodine. Sodium and/or potassium iodine binds anatomically stronger than with any other element, therefore, the process of digesting and assimilating this combination is very difficult, which can lead to toxic reactions especially after high doses.
In many cases, products that claim kelp, sea dulse, potassium and/or sodium iodine, contain little of the actual mineral. In fact, the iodine potency is so low it is undetectable in a laboratory test.
Potassium iodide has also caused some side effect issues and some drug interactions. Potassium is a critical element in cardiac performance. Too much isn’t necessarily a good thing. If you go to you can see a list of interactions.
The portion in IOSOL that is iodine, 43% is ammonium iodide and iodine, 57% is “free iodine.” By the time the IOSOL enters the stomach, the ammonium separates from the iodide and the remainder becomes 100% “free iodine” which raises the metabolism and restores the electrical balance of the body.
Ammonium iodide is immediately cleaved in the presence of hydrochloric acid in your stomach leaving nothing but free iodine and the base of all amino acids (proteins) known as ammonium which is readily excreted through the urine without toxicity or side effects. To date there are no known adverse reactions to ammonium iodide or molecular iodine.
The newer version of this mixture of iodide and iodine (one electron difference) is available called IOSOL Formula II. It replaces the potassium iodide with ammonium iodide.
Iodine is a POWERFUL Detoxifying agent
Iodine will force the detoxification of the body of all heavy metals, toxic halogens, pathogens, biofilms, viruses, and DNA damaged cells. This happens at a dose dependent rate, and along the progression of intake of Iosol Formula II you will “tip the scales” of detox multiple times based upon the molecular weight of Iodine present in the blood. At different doses of iodine there will be different detoxes that are possible and occur.
Not all detoxes occur at the same dose/level of iodine for everyone, and is based upon many factors of each individual including: the amount of toxins present in the cells and tissue, the amount of different types of toxins present, the state of disease present, and the rate at which the body decides to also use iodine nutritionally (not used for detox).
This detox is important because during those same 1970’s when Iodine was being removed from our lives, other (toxic) halogens were (coincidentally) increasing in our consumer products, foods, and cleaners.
We’ve had to deal with fluorine in our water supply all our lives. It’s also in the majority of our toothpastes. The dentist office offers a fluoride treatment when you get your teeth cleaned despite there being 0% nutritional value to fluorine in the body. Sure it will help with cavities but it will also cause fluorosis of your teeth. Then further it will calcify your pineal gland.
We have seen huge increases in brominated products in our lives. It has been added to baking products, brominated vegetable oils (BVO), pesticides, insecticides, a LOT of medicines, upholstery, automobile interiors, household products, etc. With chlorine, we get toxic perchlorates introduced into our bodies via city/tap water, various cleaning products, and swimming pools.
So what?
Well, these are known carcinogens, neurotoxins, and hormone disruptors. The other toxic halogens also attach to the iodine receptor sites in our bodies–Bromine especially as it’s close to the molecular weight of iodine. Our bodies are flooded with these other halogens effectively blocking what little iodine we are getting already.
When we start adding Iodine back into our bodies, it WILL displace these toxic substances for detoxification purposes. Iodine is NOT toxic like the other halogens, and is an essential nutrient that the body will use to your immense benefit.
An incomplete list of toxins in your body that iodine supplementation can displace/cause issues: all other toxic halogens, all other heavy metals including arsenic, lead, mercury, the radioactive form of I-131, virtually any poison, pathogenic die-off toxins, and viral/cancer apoptosis.
When the body begins this process these toxins will come out every exit they can: through your eyes, nose, back of your throat, GI tract, urine, sweat glands/skin, and mucous membranes. The liver/kidneys/lymphatic system/lungs will play a huge role in this process.
Partial List of common and normal signs of detox otherwise known as Herxheimer Reactions:
PAY ATTENTION: THESE WILL HAPPEN TO YOU (not all at once or even all of them at all) and they are NOT to cause concern or worry:
Itchy skin/mild rash
Brain fog
Red and itchy eyes
Runny nose
Burning or Sore throat
Metallic taste in mouth
Dry mouth/Increased salivation
GI bloating / ache / cramps / burning sensations
Acid Reflux
Constipation / Loose stools / diarrhea
Increased urination
Chills/Heat waves
Body aches
Increased dream intensity
Minor bouts of anxiety and depression
Cherry angiomas (temporary)
Slightly elevated heart rate
Partial List of Signs of detoxing too fast (severe detox)
Excessive Diarrhea for more than 1 day
Racing heart rate (above 140 bpm)
Extreme lethargy-can’t get out of bed
Any fever above 100F
Pain under the right side of the ribcage (liver)
Large Rash/Large skin reaction/Hives
Severe anxiety/depression
Dark thoughts/dreams
Panic Attacks
Heart Palpitations
In case of Severe Detox the toxins are coming out too fast. You need to pause iodine intake, increase antioxidants, salt, and distilled water intake, and wait for recovery. Once you recover you pick back up where you left off with iodine.
Note: none of these detox symptoms are due to the iodine itself as it is an essential nutrient that YOU CAN NOT BE ALLERGIC TO, rather to the rate in which toxins are coming out of your cells and into your bloodstream as they’re displaced and chelated by iodine. Further, specific detox symptoms will not continue at higher doses of Iodine once fully detoxed proving it was not caused by the iodine itself. Most of the Detox can be mitigated by slowing (yet still increasing) the rate of daily intake of iodine, pausing as necessary to recover and then continuing to increase the dose.
Various sources responsible for initial exposure to chemicals might be latent inside the glands, organs and other locations in the body, from environmental factors, medicines or foods. All toxins are naturally removed from the body, through the liver, and for a majority by simple urinary excretion via the kidneys. The rate of removal depends on the chemical, its distribution within the body, ingestion of added chemicals, and displacement. Further, adequate function of the waste system organs is essential to the detox process.
From this point, the supplementation of iodine as an essential nutrient does displace these chemicals into the bloodstream for expulsion, however, if excessive amounts are displaced at once they can overwhelm the removal capacity leading to the toxic symptoms listed above.
Two components reducing these symptoms are to slowly and patiently pace adding iodine, and reduce/stop adding new chemical toxins into your body.
Common sources for bromides: baked goods/flour (potassium bromate), some colas/energy drinks/sports drinks (brominated vegetable oil), all fire retardant materials, some antidepressants, and some inhalers.
Common sources for fluoride are fluoridated drinking water, certain foods (fish and tea leaves), and dental products.
Common sources of arsenic and lead are from bioaccumulation in foods.
Common sources of mercury are from dental amalgams.
Once you are fully detoxed, if you can keep a high amount of iodine in the blood it will act as a shield, a barrier of protection, to prevent these toxins from taking up space inside your cells and tissues.
A key component of your health is your awareness, assuming personal responsibility for your behaviors and choices towards good nutrition. As such you need to do research so you can make informed decisions about how to live your best life possible. You are encouraged to use these as the initial search for a much wider and encompassing research to develop your own health wisdom. “Only (you) can prevent forest fires”. - Smokey Bear
It is important for you to assume responsibility for your individual health. This responsibility means that (you) need to do research and be cognizant of all the data regarding not just the facts presented here, but the foundational research and knowledge, as well as your own personal environmental and lifestyle circumstances. Knowing what other illnesses, medications, supplements and other issues you have/use and are present is imperative to investigate, know, and mitigate adverse reactions.
Iodine/Ammonium Iodide “Iosol Formula II” Supplementation and Detox Protocol