Dr. C’s Locations:
Stephenville, Texas
Gastonia, North Carolina
Phoenix, Arizona (Future—2025)
If you want to see me for this care, please send me an email at SocialMedia@OGChiropractic.com with the following included:
>Please include a copy of your Driver’s License AND a “selfie” that matches it to verify your identity.
>Please include a brief run down of your current state of conditions so that I can help direct you to the right place.
>Please include your phone number so we can contact you if need be.
If you are a chiropractor and want to learn this system to bring this to your office, please specify that in the email so you can be directed on how to receive training.
****I have a lot of people wanting to receive this care. I will respond to everyone. Please allow me time to do so and make sure you provide all the relevant information to ensure the efficiency of this process.
Thank You and God Bless,
Dr. C
I commented on your Telegram to your honest and open post regarding everything you have been though, but perhaps here is a better venue.
Would the Master Reset be worthwhile to someone who is not suffering with any dis-ease, but is aging? I'm 47, active, and healthy, but the affects of aging are slowing creeping in. Thanks!
JUST SIGNED UP very sad to see no folk doing this except in usa. im in the uk with a discs out from falling backwards on to a rock MRI in 2016 showed R paracentral prolapses at L4 and L5/S1 . they offered surgery with chance of 1/10 of them paralysing me.. is anyone in uk doing these treatments and would they possibly help anyway ? retired nurse /homeopath /bioresonance trained.